Bibby Stockholm: A future cause of Stockholm Syndrome?

Roshni LEGAL ASSISTANT Bibby Stockholm: A future cause of Stockholm Syndrome? Its 2023, right? 20 years ago, we always pictured the future with everything floating – cars, shops and even houses. More recently, we seem to have found a compromise in that we have accepted homes floating over water. We see these floating houses and… Continue reading Bibby Stockholm: A future cause of Stockholm Syndrome?

Addressing the UK’s Asylum System: Solutions for a More Efficient and Compassionate Approach

Gilbert TRAINEE IMMIGRATION ADVISER Addressing the UK’s Asylum System: Solutions for a More Efficient and Compassionate Approach Introduction The United Kingdom has a long history of offering refuge to individuals fleeing persecution, conflict, and other political, social and military problems in their home countries. As a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967… Continue reading Addressing the UK’s Asylum System: Solutions for a More Efficient and Compassionate Approach

Another Rwanda Ruling: Another Analysis

Gilbert TRAINEE IMMIGRATION ADVISER Another Rwanda Ruling: Another Analysis When I was about ten years old, my school took time out of the timetable so that everyone could observe a total solar eclipse that was taking place that day. The teachers heavily emphasised that this was a once-in-a-lifetime event and that we would probably never… Continue reading Another Rwanda Ruling: Another Analysis

The Nationality and Borders Act 2022: Differential Treatment of Asylum Seekers

Augustina TRAINEE IMMIGRATION ADVISER The Nationality and Borders Act 2022: Differential Treatment of Asylum Seekers   Introduction   The Nationality and Borders Act 2022 is a relatively recent UK Parliament Act.   As you may already know, it mainly focuses on immigration, asylum and modern slavery. But at the same time, there have been significant… Continue reading The Nationality and Borders Act 2022: Differential Treatment of Asylum Seekers