Pro Bono

What is Pro-Bono?

We are truly aware of the costs associated with legal advice and support. Evidently, this makes Pro Bono counsel another part of our work.


Pro Bono comes from the Latin ‘pro bono publico’, meaning ‘for the public good’. We refer to the legal work we have undertaken voluntarily and free of charge. However, it is only offered to those in need of legal help but is not in the financial position to do so.


A recent example was in 2018 when we provided more than 120 working hours of Pro Bono counsel and legal assistance throughout 2018.

Why do we offer Pro Bono?

Our Pro Bono philosophy reflects our commitment to giving back to the community.


We treat these cases exactly as we would a billable matter. This means we deploy the same expertise and project the same diligence to each assignment. These may be cases that are out of scope for legal aid, except asylum, or ones that meet certain criteria.


Our senior legal advisor and Director – Mr Atef Elmarakby, consult Pro Bono clients after ensuring they meet certain criteria. Once the client’s eligibility is finalised, our team provides exceptional guidance and assistance with their applications.


As with all visa applications, this includes filling out forms, document gathering, and chasing Home Office correspondence. Granted, this is applicable to all Entry Clearance, Leave to Remain, naturalisation applications or even asylum claims.


Our mantra is that both our company and justice should be accessible to all.

We respond to as many requests as possible, but we cannot assist ineligible cases or those who are not in urgent need.


Please fill out the form on this link and forward it to our office inbox at Once you send your request, we will then forward you a form to determine whether you meet our eligibility.

NO BARRIERS TO JUSTICE is a notion that is at the very heart of GOOD ADVICE UK®.


NO BARRIERS TO JUSTICE is a notion that is at the very heart of GOOD ADVICE UK®.

A Filipino national married to a British citizen moves to the UK to live with their husband and child. Over time, they became a victim of unspeakable domestic violence due to asking for a divorce.

Our distressed client was unable to find accommodation due to her legal status in the UK and lacked the necessary funds.

We helped them to the best of our ability, and they were granted Leave to Remain. This opened the door for their employment and granted them the chance to look after their British child.

We at GOOD ADVICE UK® strongly believe justice should be available and accessible to all. Financial status should not act as a means of inhibiting access to this human need. We do not want to only change lives at a cost… but also, for the greater public good.

BRIDGING THE JUSTICE GAP is imperative for an equal society. And, we seek to preserve our moral and ethical principles in all of our work.

To arrange meeting with one of our lawyers, contact us by telephone at

If you have instructed us before, we would be pleased to know your feedback about your experience.